<aside> 💡 These virtual platforms will be used throughout the weekend. Please read through for friendly reminders and tips.


👖 Bluejeans

We will be using Bluejeans to host all of our events and workshops. Please visit the "Schedule + Event Links" page for the schedule, links, and how to join.

👋🏻 Google Hangouts

We will be using Google Hangouts to host all of our mentorship office hours. Please visit the "Mentorship Office Hours" page for the schedule, links, and how to join.

🗣️ Slack

Slack is a communication platform where students, mentors, and organizers can communicate via text, chat, and video. Please be sure to join our workspace by Wednesday, November 18th. An invite will be sent soon!

We will have text channels for announcements, mentor and recruiter help, team building, and general conversation for you to chat with other hackers, organizers, and mentors. In order to have access to all these channels, you will need to join the workspace.

🎥 Devpost

Projects will be submitted using Devpost. You can find the #Codechella Devpost here https://codechella.devpost.com

On Devpost, at least one person on the team will need to register an account to submit the project. This one person can invite all their team members and that's how we will identify you as a team. Please create an account with the same e-mail you used to register for #Codechella.