<aside> 💡 It is encouraged that you use Twitter API to build your projects. Please see below instructions for V1 and V2 of Twitter API. Note: If you already have a Twitter API Dev Account, you can use it for this hackathon and do not need to take the steps below.


V1 Twitter API

To get an invite to use V1 of Twitter API, please fill out the "Twitter Handle" section on the RSVP form at codechella.splashthat.com Please make sure you have an email associated with your Twitter account for the invite to send to.

<aside> 💡 Please note that if you are unable to get access to use Twitter API (account blocked etc.), you are still able to contribute if your team has access.


V2 Twitter API

If you would like to use V2 of Twitter API, you will need your own developer account. Please apply here as soon as possible: https://developer.twitter.com/en/apply-for-access and inform the Hype Tweep team. When filling out please specify that you are "student using the API for a Twitter Hackathon." Please do not indicate that you will use it for any government usage as you may be blocked or your approval may be delayed

<aside> 💡 Please note that once you submit, your application will go through an approval process that may or may not be approved by the hackathon.



Please reach out to the @TwitterU Hype Team at [email protected] if you have any questions.